SIGMA Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) supervises and controls the signalling system as an independent centralized manager who oversees field elements and interacts with them using complex data.
Through the SIGMA system, customer can receive real-time alarms and notifications from the field equipment, improving remote diagnostics and maintenance coordination. System availability is guaranteed at a high level by having a redundant architecture of servers with automatic connections.
Among its notable applications are:
- Establishment and artificial dissolution of routes.
- Direct control of the switching points.
- Authorization of local command of switching points.
- Switching off and on signals.
- Cancellation of blocking.
- Event logger: records the operating status of the field elements and orders made by operators.
- Replay of the recordings both in graphic mode and in table format, with offline display of the operation of the signalling system and/or fault identification.
- Represent status and alarms of auxiliary elements connected to the interlocking such as UPS information, door open, high or low temperatures, replacement of surge and lighting protectors, etc.
- Communication and information exchange with third-party systems through Web Services.

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